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Project Objectives:

TRUST project will include a sectoral approach in the design of the European Destructive Testing Technician Qualification standard to ensure its alignment with real industrial needs for qualified personnel in this field (which fosters its recognition by industry), and its harmonised implementation at European level, rooted on a modular approach with advantages both for trainees and for training providers (i.e. flexibility of attendance and implementation of the Qualification, respectively).

These are the main objectives of TRUST project:

  • A new professional profile: European Destructive Testing Technician (EDTT);

  • A new, harmonised Qualification standard (same training and assessment conditions to all trainees, regardless of their contexts) for the development of the required skills and knowledge to perform industrial Destructive Testing (DT) of welded joints, in line with industry and quality standards;

  • Qualification Guideline that includes specific information on access conditions and the possibility to conduct validation of non-formal and informal learning;

  • Handbook with training materials to be used by teachers/trainers, with innovative pedagogical materials, practical exercises and innovative assessment tools for the implementation of the EDTT Qualification;

  • Document with specific recommendations for the implementation of the EDTT by different Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems, at EU level;

  • Exercise and examination database, with practical exercises and assessment tools available to teachers/trainees and trainees involved in the EDTT Qualification.