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Project Activities:

  • Co-creation workshops with key stakeholders from Education and Industry:

    To ensure the structure and contents of the European Destructive Testing Technician (EDTT) Qualification are aligned with the latest European tools for education and with the real needs from industry);

  • Training of Trainers:

    To capacitate teachers and trainers to implement the EDTT Qualification, its training materials, practical exercises and innovative assessment tools;

  • National Pilot events:

    To implement the EDTT Qualification with young trainees and professionals seeking for upskilling, in order to understand the adequacy of the developed materials and the need to improve them;

  • Hands-on approach seminars:

    Aimed at key stakeholders from Education and Industry (e.g. representatives from VET providers, National Qualification Agencies, companies with industrial laboratories, etc.) to validate TRUST results, ensuring their alignment with both sectors;

  • Final European Conference:

    Final Conference of the project, aimed at stakeholders from Education and Industry, with an European scope, to present the final results of the project and hoe they can be implemented.